General Information of Drug (ID: DMKR3C5)

Drug Name
Avetol; Cornutamin; Cornutamine; ETIN; Ergam; Ergate; Ergomar; Ergonsvine; Ergostat; Ergotamin; Ergotartrate; Exmigra; Femergin;Gynergen; Lingraine; Lingran; Migretamine; Rigetamin; Secagyn; Secupan; Temigran; Wigrettes; Ergotamine bitartrate; Ergotamine hemitartrate; Ergotamine tartrate; Gotamine tartrate; Medihaler ergotamine; Ergomar (TN); Ergotamina [INN-Spanish]; Ergotamine (INN); Ergotamine [INN:BAN]; Ergotamine tartrate (VAN); Ergotaminum [INN-Latin]; Ergoton-A; Neo-ergotin; Ergotamine, tartrate (2:1); Ergotamine tartrate, Avetol, Cornutamin, Ergam, Ergotartrate; ERGOTAMINE (SEE ALSO: ERGOTAMINE TARTRATE (CAS 379-79-3)); Ergotamine, tartrate (2:1) (salt) (8CI); Ergotaman-3',6',18-trione, 12'-hydroxy-2'-methyl-5'-(phenylmethyl)-, (5'-alpha)-(9CI); Ergotaman-3',6',18-trione, 12'-hydroxy-2'-methyl-5'-(phenylmethyl)-, (5alpha)-, (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate (2:1); Ergotaman-3',6',18-trione, 12'-hydroxy-2'-methyl-5'-(phenylmethyl)-, (5'alpha)-, (2R,3R)-2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate (2:1) (salt); (5'A)-5'-benzyl-12'-hydroxy-2'-methyl-3',6',18-trioxoergotaman 2,3-dihydroxybutanedioate(2:1); 12'-Hydroxy-2'-methyl-5'alpha-(phenylmethyl)ergotaman-3',6',18-trione
Disease Entry ICD 11 Status REF
Cluster headache 8A81.0 Approved [1]
Headache 8A80-8A84 Approved [2]
Migraine disorder N.A. Approved [1]
Therapeutic Class
Affected Organisms
Humans and other mammals
ATC Code
N02CA02: Ergotamine
N02CA: Ergot alkaloids
N02CA02: Ergotamine
N02CA: Ergot alkaloids
N02CA02: Ergotamine
N02CA: Ergot alkaloids
N02CA02: Ergotamine
N02CA: Ergot alkaloids
N02CA02: Ergotamine
N02CA: Ergot alkaloids
Drug Type
Small molecular drug
#Ro5 Violations (Lipinski): 1 Molecular Weight (mw) 581.7
Logarithm of the Partition Coefficient (xlogp) 2
Rotatable Bond Count (rotbonds) 4
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count (hbonddonor) 3
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count (hbondacc) 6
ADMET Property
Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition Classification System (BDDCS) Class 1: high solubility and high permeability [3]
The drug present in the plasma can be removed from the body at the rate of 15 mL/min/kg [4]
The concentration or amount of drug in body reduced by one-half in 2 hours [4]
The drug is metabolized via the hepatic []
The Maximum Recommended Therapeutic Dose (MRTD) of drug that ensured maximising efficacy and moderate side effect is 0.1473 micromolar/kg/day [5]
Unbound Fraction
The unbound fraction of drug in plasma is 0.02% [4]
Fluid volume that would be required to contain the amount of drug present in the body at the same concentration as in the plasma 3.6 L/kg [4]
Water Solubility
The ability of drug to dissolve in water is measured as 2 mg/mL [3]
Chemical Identifiers
Canonical SMILES
Cross-matching ID
PubChem CID
CAS Number
DrugBank ID
Repurposed Drugs (RPD) Click to Jump to the Detailed RPD Information of This Drug

Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug Therapeutic Target (DTT)
Adrenergic receptor Alpha-1 (ADRA1) TTG28O6 NOUNIPROTAC Agonist [6]

Drug Transporter (DTP)
P-glycoprotein 1 (ABCB1) DTUGYRD MDR1_HUMAN Substrate [7]

Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme (DME)
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) DE4LYSA CP3A4_HUMAN Substrate [8]
Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) DEJGDUW CP1A2_HUMAN Substrate [9]

Drug Off-Target (DOT)
DOT Name DOT ID UniProt ID Interaction REF
Caspase-3 (CASP3) OTIJRBE7 CASP3_HUMAN Gene/Protein Processing [10]
Molecular Interaction Atlas (MIA) Jump to Detail Molecular Interaction Atlas of This Drug

Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Information of This Drug

Coadministration of a Drug Treating the Disease Different from Ergotamine (Comorbidity)
DDI Drug Name DDI Drug ID Severity Mechanism Comorbidity REF
Methylene blue DMJAPE7 Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Methylene blue. Acquired methaemoglobinaemia [3A93] [11]
Metreleptin DM1NOEK Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Metreleptin mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Acute diabete complication [5A2Y] [12]
Ivosidenib DM8S6T7 Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Ivosidenib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Acute myeloid leukaemia [2A60] [12]
Arn-509 DMT81LZ Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Arn-509 mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Acute myeloid leukaemia [2A60] [12]
Dronedarone DMA8FS5 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Dronedarone mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Angina pectoris [BA40] [13]
Nifedipine DMSVOZT Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Nifedipine mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Angina pectoris [BA40] [13]
Methylphenobarbital DMDSWAG Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Methylphenobarbital mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Anxiety disorder [6B00-6B0Z] [12]
Posaconazole DMUL5EW Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Posaconazole mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Aspergillosis [1F20] [13]
Ephedrine DMMV0KW Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Ephedrine. Asthma [CA23] [14]
Clarithromycin DM4M1SG Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Clarithromycin mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Bacterial infection [1A00-1C4Z] [13]
Pexidartinib DMS2J0Z Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Pexidartinib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Bone/articular cartilage neoplasm [2F7B] [12]
Tucatinib DMBESUA Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Tucatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Breast cancer [2C60-2C6Y] [13]
Palbociclib DMD7L94 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Palbociclib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Breast cancer [2C60-2C6Y] [13]
Pseudoephedrine DMIVJ0D Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Pseudoephedrine. Breathing abnormality [MD11] [14]
Phenylbutazone DMAYL0T Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Phenylbutazone mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Chronic pain [MG30] [12]
Levomilnacipran DMV26S8 Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Levomilnacipran. Chronic pain [MG30] [15]
Mifepristone DMGZQEF Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Mifepristone mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cushing syndrome [5A70] [16]
Pasireotide DMHM7JS Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Pasireotide mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cushing syndrome [5A70] [13]
Osilodrostat DMIJC9X Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Osilodrostat mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cushing syndrome [5A70] [13]
Ivacaftor DMZC1HS Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Ivacaftor mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cystic fibrosis [CA25] [13]
MK-8228 DMOB58Q Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by MK-8228 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Cytomegaloviral disease [1D82] [13]
Sertraline DM0FB1J Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Sertraline. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Vilazodone DM4LECQ Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Vilazodone. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Nefazodone DM4ZS8M Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Nefazodone mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [13]
Paroxetine DM5PVQE Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Paroxetine. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Selegiline DM6034S Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Selegiline. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [11]
Vortioxetine DM6F1PU Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Vortioxetine. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Isocarboxazid DMAF1NB Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Isocarboxazid. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [11]
Milnacipran DMBFE74 Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Milnacipran. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Escitalopram DMFK9HG Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Escitalopram. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Tranylcypromine DMGB5RE Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Tranylcypromine. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [11]
Desvenlafaxine DMHD4PE Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Desvenlafaxine. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [15]
Phenelzine DMHIDUE Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Phenelzine. Depression [6A70-6A7Z] [11]
LEVONORDEFRIN DMWDJ0H Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and LEVONORDEFRIN. Discovery agent [N.A.] [14]
Primidone DM0WX6I Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Primidone mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Felbamate DM1V5ZS Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Felbamate mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Oxcarbazepine DM5PU6O Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Oxcarbazepine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Cenobamate DM8KLU9 Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Cenobamate mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Stiripentol DMMSDOY Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Stiripentol mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [17]
Fosphenytoin DMOX3LB Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Fosphenytoin mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Rufinamide DMWE60C Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Rufinamide mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Phenobarbital DMXZOCG Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Phenobarbital mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Eslicarbazepine DMZREFQ Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Eslicarbazepine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Epilepsy/seizure [8A61-8A6Z] [12]
Mephentermine DMFJH5Q Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Mephentermine. Essential hypertension [BA00] [14]
Oxymetazoline DM8ZXT6 Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Oxymetazoline. Eyelid inflammatory disorder [9A02] [14]
Tazemetostat DMWP1BH Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Tazemetostat mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Follicular lymphoma [2A80] [12]
Itraconazole DMCR1MV Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Itraconazole mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Fungal infection [1F29-1F2F] [13]
Ketoconazole DMPZI3Q Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Ketoconazole mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Fungal infection [1F29-1F2F] [13]
Boceprevir DMBSHMF Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Boceprevir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hepatitis virus infection [1E50-1E51] [18]
Telaprevir DMMRV29 Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Telaprevir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hepatitis virus infection [1E50-1E51] [18]
Tetrahydrozoline DMT57WC Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Tetrahydrozoline. Herpes simplex infection [1F00] [14]
Isoniazid DM5JVS3 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Isoniazid mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis [1B10-1B14] [13]
Rifampin DMA8J1G Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Rifampin mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis [1B10-1B14] [12]
Rifapentine DMCHV4I Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Rifapentine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis [1B10-1B14] [12]
Procarbazine DMIK367 Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Procarbazine. Hodgkin lymphoma [2B30] [11]
MK-1439 DM215WE Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by MK-1439 mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [12]
Delavirdine DM3NF5G Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Delavirdine mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [13]
Fosamprenavir DM4W9B3 Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Fosamprenavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [18]
Cobicistat DM6L4H2 Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Cobicistat mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [13]
Saquinavir DMG814N Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Saquinavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [18]
Etravirine DMGV8QU Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Etravirine mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [12]
Amprenavir DMLMXE0 Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Amprenavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [18]
Darunavir DMN3GCH Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Darunavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [18]
Atazanavir DMSYRBX Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Atazanavir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Human immunodeficiency virus disease [1C60-1C62] [18]
BMS-201038 DMQTAGO Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by BMS-201038 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hyper-lipoproteinaemia [5C80] [13]
Levamlodipine DM92S6N Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Levamlodipine mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hypertension [BA00-BA04] [13]
Methoxamine DMF5XQH Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Methoxamine. Hypertension [BA00-BA04] [14]
Conivaptan DM1V329 Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Conivaptan mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Hypo-osmolality/hyponatraemia [5C72] [13]
Retapamulin DM9JXB7 Minor Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Retapamulin mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Impetigo [1B72] [19]
Lesinurad DMUR64T Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Lesinurad mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Inborn purine/pyrimidine/nucleotide metabolism error [5C55] [12]
Berotralstat DMWA2DZ Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Berotralstat mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Innate/adaptive immunodeficiency [4A00] [13]
Suvorexant DM0E6S3 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Suvorexant mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Insomnia [7A00-7A0Z] [13]
Amobarbital DM0GQ8N Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Amobarbital mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Insomnia [7A00-7A0Z] [12]
Naphazoline DMJFZDL Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Naphazoline. Itching [1F28-1G07] [14]
Crizotinib DM4F29C Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Crizotinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [13]
Brigatinib DM7W94S Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Brigatinib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [12]
Ceritinib DMB920Z Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Ceritinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [13]
PF-06463922 DMKM7EW Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by PF-06463922 mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [20]
Osimertinib DMRJLAT Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Osimertinib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [21]
Selpercatinib DMZR15V Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Selpercatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Lung cancer [2C25] [13]
Idelalisib DM602WT Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Idelalisib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Mature B-cell leukaemia [2A82] [13]
IPI-145 DMWA24P Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by IPI-145 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Mature B-cell leukaemia [2A82] [13]
Vemurafenib DM62UG5 Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Vemurafenib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Melanoma [2C30] [12]
LGX818 DMNQXV8 Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by LGX818 mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Melanoma [2C30] [22]
Dabrafenib DMX6OE3 Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Dabrafenib mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Melanoma [2C30] [21]
Danazol DML8KTN Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Danazol mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Menstrual cycle bleeding disorder [GA20] [13]
Exjade DMHPRWG Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Exjade mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Mineral absorption/transport disorder [5C64] [12]
Ozanimod DMT6AM2 Moderate Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Ozanimod. Multiple sclerosis [8A40] [11]
Fedratinib DM4ZBK6 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Fedratinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Myeloproliferative neoplasm [2A20] [13]
Dasatinib DMJV2EK Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Dasatinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Myeloproliferative neoplasm [2A20] [13]
Modafinil DMYILBE Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Modafinil mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Narcolepsy [7A20] [12]
Netupitant DMEKAYI Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Netupitant mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Nausea/vomiting [MD90] [23]
Entrectinib DMMPTLH Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Entrectinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Non-small cell lung cancer [2C25] [13]
Sibutramine DMFJTDI Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Sibutramine. Obesity [5B80-5B81] [24]
Dexfenfluramine DMJ7YDS Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Dexfenfluramine. Obesity [5B80-5B81] [15]
Propylhexedrine DMTBW2O Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Propylhexedrine. Obesity [5B80-5B81] [14]
Rucaparib DM9PVX8 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Rucaparib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Ovarian cancer [2C73] [13]
Safinamide DM0YWJC Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Safinamide. Parkinsonism [8A00] [11]
Rasagiline DM3WKQ4 Major Additive serotonergic effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Rasagiline. Parkinsonism [8A00] [11]
Dopamine DMPGUCF Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Dopamine. Parkinsonism [8A00] [14]
Abametapir DM2RX0I Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Abametapir mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Pediculosis [1G00] [25]
Lefamulin DME6G97 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Lefamulin mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Pneumonia [CA40] [26]
Lonafarnib DMGM2Z6 Major Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Lonafarnib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Premature ageing appearance [LD2B] [13]
ABIRATERONE DM8V75C Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by ABIRATERONE mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Prostate cancer [2C82] [13]
Enzalutamide DMGL19D Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Enzalutamide mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Prostate cancer [2C82] [12]
Bicalutamide DMZMSPF Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Bicalutamide mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Prostate cancer [2C82] [13]
Temsirolimus DMS104F Moderate Increased plasma concentrations of Ergotamine and Temsirolimus due to competitive inhibition of the same metabolic pathway. Renal cell carcinoma [2C90] [27]
Dexamethasone DMMWZET Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Dexamethasone mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Rheumatoid arthritis [FA20] [12]
Voxelotor DMCS6M5 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Voxelotor mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Sickle-cell disorder [3A51] [13]
Telotristat ethyl DMDIYFZ Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Telotristat ethyl mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Small intestine developmental anomaly [DA90] [12]
Larotrectinib DM26CQR Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Larotrectinib mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [13]
Armodafinil DMGB035 Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Armodafinil mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [12]
LEE011 DMMX75K Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by LEE011 mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Solid tumour/cancer [2A00-2F9Z] [13]
Pitolisant DM8RFNJ Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Pitolisant mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Somnolence [MG42] [12]
Fostamatinib DM6AUHV Moderate Decreased clearance of Ergotamine due to the transporter inhibition by Fostamatinib. Thrombocytopenia [3B64] [28]
Sirolimus DMGW1ID Moderate Increased plasma concentrations of Ergotamine and Sirolimus due to competitive inhibition of the same metabolic pathway. Transplant rejection [NE84] [27]
Tacrolimus DMZ7XNQ Moderate Increased plasma concentrations of Ergotamine and Tacrolimus due to competitive inhibition of the same metabolic pathway. Transplant rejection [NE84] [27]
Elagolix DMB2C0E Moderate Increased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Elagolix mediated induction of CYP450 enzyme. Uterine fibroid [2E86] [12]
Xylometazoline DMKV32D Major Additive hypertensive effects by the combination of Ergotamine and Xylometazoline. Vasomotor/allergic rhinitis [CA08] [14]
Amiodarone DMUTEX3 Moderate Decreased metabolism of Ergotamine caused by Amiodarone mediated inhibition of CYP450 enzyme. Ventricular tachyarrhythmia [BC71] [13]
⏷ Show the Full List of 120 DDI Information of This Drug

Drug Inactive Ingredient(s) (DIG) and Formulation(s) of This Drug

DIG Name DIG ID PubChem CID Functional Classification
FD&C blue no. 1 E00263 19700 Colorant
Quinoline yellow WS E00309 24671 Colorant
Saccharin sodium dihydrate E00577 46942257 Flavoring agent
Crospovidone E00626 Not Available Disintegrant
Magnesium stearate E00208 11177 lubricant
Pharmaceutical Formulation
Formulation Name Drug Dosage Dosage Form Route
Ergotamine 2 mg tablet 2 mg Sublingual Tablet Oral
Jump to Detail Pharmaceutical Formulation Page of This Drug


1 Ergotamine FDA Label
2 URL: Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Oct 12. pii: gkv1037. The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY in 2016: towards curated quantitative interactions between 1300 protein targets and 6000 ligands. (Ligand id: 149).
3 BDDCS applied to over 900 drugs
4 Trend Analysis of a Database of Intravenous Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Humans for 1352 Drug Compounds
5 Estimating the safe starting dose in phase I clinical trials and no observed effect level based on QSAR modeling of the human maximum recommended daily dose
6 Reversal of ergotamine-induced vasospasm following methylprednisolone. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2008 Dec;46(10):1074-6.
7 Improving the prediction of the brain disposition for orally administered drugs using BDDCS. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2012 Jan;64(1):95-109.
8 Modulation of cytochrome P450 metabolism by ergonovine and dihydroergotamine. Vet Hum Toxicol. 2003 Feb;45(1):6-9.
9 Frovatriptan: a review of drug-drug interactions. Headache. 2002 Apr;42 Suppl 2:S63-73.
10 Cytotoxicity and accumulation of ergot alkaloids in human primary cells. Toxicology. 2011 Apr 11;282(3):112-21. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2011.01.019. Epub 2011 Feb 2.
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12 Cerner Multum, Inc. "Australian Product Information.".
13 Ausband SC, Goodman PE "An unusual case of clarithromycin associated ergotism." J Emerg Med 4 (2001): 411-3. [PMID: 11728770]
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17 EMEA. European Medicines Agency "EPARs. European Union Public Assessment Reports.".
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19 Product Information. Altabax (retapamulin topical). GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC.
20 Product Information. Lorbrena (lorlatinib). Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group, New York, NY.
21 Cerner Multum, Inc. "UK Summary of Product Characteristics.".
22 Product Information. Braftovi (encorafenib). Array BioPharma Inc., Boulder, CO.
23 Francis H, Tyndall A, Webb J "Severe vascular spasm due to erythromycin-ergotamine interaction." Clin Rheumatol 3 (1984): 243-6. [PMID: 6236021]
24 Chan BSH, Graudins A, Whyte IM, Dawson AH, Braitberg G, Duggin GG "Serotonin syndrome resulting from drug interactions." Med J Aust 169 (1998): 523-5. [PMID: 9861909]
25 Product Information. Xeglyze (abametapir topical). Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Inc, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
26 Product Information. Xenleta (lefamulin). Nabriva Therapeutics US, Inc., King of Prussia, PA.
27 Product Information. Prograf (tacrolimus). Fujisawa, Deerfield, IL.
28 Product Information. Tavalisse (fostamatinib). Rigel Pharmaceuticals, South San Francisco, CA.